Colpitts Oscillator Project |
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Project 9.1 The Colpitts OscillatorThis is the support page for the Colpitts Oscillator project in Complete Electronics Self-Teaching Guide with Projects. Parts List:The following list provides links to suppliers that sell components needed for this project. These links are intended to make finding the parts a little easier for those of you new to electronics. However most parts needed to build these projects can be obtained from various suppliers, you should chose the supplier best for you.
Project 9.1 Breadboarded Colpitts oscillator circuit with feedback to the emitter
Project 9-1 Oscilloscope attached to Colpitts oscillator circuit
Project 9-1 The sine wave generated by the Colpitts oscillator circuit # 1
Project 9.1 Adjusted oscilloscope controls
Project 9-1 Breadboarded Colpitts oscillator with feedback to base (circuit #2)