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All New Electronics Self Teaching Guide

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I feel that this comment I received from a reader is the best way to introduce the book.

"I have learned more in the week or so I've been working through your book than in the past two months since I started studying electronics for fun.  I think that your mathematical approach is perfect for me, and an excellent way to teach the subject as it is very helpful to understand the mathematical relationships involved.  Understanding the math also helps me greatly in understanding the underlying physics and principles of what is going on inside electronic components.

I think your book is excellent, and is definitely one I will recommend to anyone I know wanting to learn electronics.  I feel that when I finish working my way through it, I will be able to design circuits and select appropriate components to perform moderately complex tasks.  I would have never thought I would be able to attain that level of proficiency without some sort of extensive formal training, but I think your book is taking me most of the way there."

A classic book in the electronics field, All New Electronics Self Teaching Guide has been completely revised to reflect current technologies while maintaining its highly touted approach to teaching the fundamentals of electronics circuits. This book is for the reader who has been introduced to electronics and wants to move to the next step, an in-depth understanding of discrete components and circuits. 


Each topic starts with an introduction to a concept, a type of circuit, calculation or experiment. The text asks the readers to answer questions that prompt them to think about the concepts or calculations. The text then provides answers that allows the reader to immediately check their understanding of the material.

This method results in a effective self teaching guide for readers wanting to gain an in-depth understanding of electronics circuits.

Table of Contents


1. DC Review and Pre-Test.

2. The Diode.

3. Introduction to the Transistor.

4. The Transistor Switch.

5. AC Pre-Test and Review.

6. AC in Electronics.

7. Resonant Circuits.

8. Transistor Amplifiers.

9. Oscillators.

10. The Transformer.

11. Power Supply Circuits.

12. Conclusion and Final Self-Test.

Appendix A. Glossary.

Appendix B. List of Symbols and Abbreviations.

Appendix C. Powers of Ten and Engineering Prefixes.

Appendix D. Standard Composition Resistor Values.

Appendix E. Supplemental Resources.

Appendix F. Equation Reference.

Appendix G. Schematic Symbols Used in this Book.


A few of the online bookstores where you can purchase the All New Electronics Self Teaching Guide are listed below.